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Maintain Operation Analysis Codes

Analysis codes are extra pieces of information that can be added to Bill of Material Operations and Components.

Each analysis code has two parts; a Code for the type of information, and a set of Values that can be applied to each item.

Before selecting Analysis Code values for use on BOM Operations, the analysis codes must be setup in Accounting System Manager.


BOM Operations

Analysis codes are useful as a way of classifying operations to distinguish between them; or as a way of recording additional information about each operation.

Once analysis codes are setup for BOM operations, set a value on each BOM operation (Analysis Codes tab).

Analysis codes setup for BOM operations will also be available on Operation Resources in Manufacturing System Manager. A value can be set on each Operation which will copy automatically to the BOM Operation as it is added to the Bill of Materials, if added using Add From Operations Register.

Choose the analysis code to use for BOM Operations

Open: Bill of Materials > Utilities > Maintenance > Maintain Operation Analysis Codes


1. Select a blank row in the Name column and select an analysis code from the drop-down list.

2. If required, enter a different Field Label.

  • The field label appears as the Analysis Code on the BOM Operation.

3. Select Mandatory if all your BOM operations must use this analysis code.

  • To make a code Mandatory, you must have specified a default value for this analysis code in Accounting System Manager.
  • If a code is Mandatory, you cannot save a BOM operation item without specifying a value for this analysis code.

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