
Working Week

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Utilities > System Set Up > Maintain Works Order Settings | Working Week
Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Utilities > System Set Up > View Works Order Settings | Working Week
Open: Cim200 Planning > Utilities > System Set Up > Maintain Planning Settings | Working Week
Open: Cim200 Planning > Utilities > System Set Up > View Planning Settings | Working Week

Note: The View Works Order Settings and View Planning Settings options allow you to view the settings but not amend them.

Use these settings to choose how to process and manage Works Orders, Planning and Scheduling

The working week must be defined to form a basis for calculating Works Order lead times and to assess production capacity. It is also used by Planning when building recommendations and stock projections, along with the Scheduler when scheduling works orders.

When a new Works Order is created or recommended by MRP, the start date is calculated using the total production time of all operations combined with the capacity defined in the operations associated working week calendar.

You can setup multiple individual working week calendars to suit the different working patterns of various resources throughout your factory. There will be a default working week calendar that should reflect the days and times that the factory is operational.

In general, the more production days that are included in the working week, or the longer each working day is, the shorter each Works Order’s estimated lead time will be.

Setting up the Working Week

  • Open: Manage Calendars
    Open: Add | Edit

    • Enter a reference and description relevant to the working calendar you are about creating/amending.
    • Tick a day to set it as a production day.
    • In Start Time set the time that production starts on that day.
    • In End Time set the time that production ends on that day.
    • Repeat for every other production day.
      • The total production time for each day of the week is calculated from the amount of time from Start Time to End Time, minus any Non-Working Minutes.
    • In the Non-Working Minutes grid add any periods where production is stopped, i.e. lunchtime and any other break times and tick the days that non-working period relates to.
    • To save the changes, click OK.

    Note: Amend a calendar’s working periods does not automatically adjust existing works order, operation or MRP recommendation dates. Works Orders and Operation dates will need to be adjusted in the scheduler or manually. The updated working periods will take effect for MRP recommendations during the next MRP run.


    To remove a calendar, highlight the relevant calendar and press Delete.

    Note: You cannot delete the default calendar.

    Set as Default

    To set a calendar as the default working week, highlight the relevant calendar and press Set as Default.

Non Working Days

Open: Manage Non-Working Days

The Cim200 Non-Working Days screen enables you to input days where the factory environment is not working. This enables the system to plan around these days, taking them into account when calculating production lead times etc.

Adding a non-working day

To add a non-working day, click in the space below the last line in the grid, enter a date and description where relevant.

Removing a non-working day

To remove a non-working day, highlight it in the grid and press Remove.

Import Bank Holidays

The Import Bank Holidays button will open a screen where in you can import public holidays for England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

Check the relevant country you are working in and the year you wish to import. Once selected, press the Import button and confirm to add those public holidays to your non-working days list.

Note: If you are working in Eire (Republic of Ireland), public holidays will need to be added manually.

Press OK to save the non-working days.

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