
Cost Breakdown – View Log

Each Works Order can be costed multiple times during its lifetime and is also costed automatically as it is first entered.

The Cost Breakdown screen gives a drilldown on each specific costing, to detail each individual cost.

Each costing has a log of information about the costing.

View Log

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Works Orders > Amend Works Order | Costing
Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Works Orders > Amend Works Order (Elevated Privileges) | Costing
Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Enquiries > View Works Order | Costing

Note: The View Works Order option allows you to view the orders but not amend them.

View Cost Breakdown

The Costing History area gives summary details costings, but a more detailed breakdown is available for each costing.


1. To access a cost breakdown, highlight the costing from the Costing History area, then select View Cost Breakdown. The Cost Breakdown window appears.

2. Click the View Log button to open the Costing Log window.

3. The log details the order being costed, the user who costed it, and when it was costed.

4. To close the costing log, click Close.

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