
Home > Knowledgebase > Cim200 > Works Orders > Processing > Cancel Works Order

Cancel Works Order

Cancel a Works Order when it is no longer needed.

After a Works Order has been cancelled, nothing more can be done with it.

When an order is cancelled, any allocated component stock is unallocated.

If stock has been issued to the order it can either remain issue, or be returned to stock as the order is cancelled.

You cannot cancel a Completed or Part Complete works order; they must be Closed.

To close a Part Complete order without fully completing it, use the Complete Works Orders screen and tick the Complete option to complete the order regardless of quantity completed.  Leave the To Complete Qty at zero if there are no more left to complete.  This prompts you to return any unused stock, changes the status to Completed and allows the order to be Closed. 

If the order is linked to a Sales Order or another Works Order a warning advises of this, but the cancellation can continue.

Cancelling Works Orders

Open: Works Orders > Works Order List

  • Select the Cancel button above the list view.

From the menu:

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Processing > Cancel Works Order

  • Select the Works Order to cancel from the drop-down list.


To cancel a Works Order

1. Select a Cancellation Code.

  • These must first be setup in the Maintain Cancellation Codes screen.

2. Select the preferred option for component stock:

  • Un-Allocate any Allocated Stock will clear any allocations but will not return any issued components back into stock.
  • Un-Allocate any Allocated Stock and Reverse Issue as much as possible will clear any allocations and return any issued stock that has not already been scrapped.

3. Click Confirm to proceed, then click Yes to complete cancellation.


Outcomes from cancelling an order

  • The Works Order status is changed to Cancelled.
  • All component allocations are removed.
  • If selected, issued components are reverse issued back into stock.
  • Any remaining costs are posted to the Nominal Ledger to remove the value from Work In Progress to the Nominal Ledger account set against the selected Cancellation Reason.

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