
Home > Knowledgebase > Cim200 > Works Orders > Processing > Complete Works Orders > About Completing Works Orders

About Completing Works Orders

To add a quantity of the built item on a Works Order into stock, use the Complete Works Order screen.

The full outstanding order quantity can be completed, or just part of the order.

For partial completions the order can be left open for further completions later.  However, if there will be no further completions, despite there being an outstanding quantity to complete, the order can be set as fully complete. The option to allow this must be enabled in Works Order settings.

To save time, completions can be recorded against multiple orders together.

Rules for completing Works Orders

  • Stock must be issued to the works order before you can complete the order, unless the Allow Completion at any time option is enabled in the Completion Options section of the General tab in Works Order settings.
  • It is possible to complete more of a built item than was originally required, if the Allow User to Over-Complete option is enabled in the Completion Options section of the General tab in Works Order settings.
  • A Works Order can be completed even if not all component costs are confirmed, or if there are other costs still to be recorded.

Completing an order does not finalise it, as there may be further costs to be added.  As such, completing a built item into stock adds it at an unconfirmed cost; the value of the order remains in Work In Progress.  This is reflected in Work In Progress reporting and in the Stock Valuation reporting from the Stock Control module.

To finalise an order, once all the completed stock has been recorded, it must also be Closed using the Close Works Orders screenClosing confirms the final cost of the order and moves the total cost from Work In Progress to the nominal account associated with the built item.

The details of each selected Works Order are displayed below:


Works Order : The Works Order number to complete.

Bom Reference : The built item Reference.

Description : The built item Name.

Outstanding Qty : The works order quantity to make, minus any already completed.

Comp. Association : Indicates whether the Works Order has Component Association enabled.  If Yes, the issued traceable numbers of components must be associated with the traceable numbers of built items as part of the completion.

Backflush : Only available if Enable Backflushing is ticked in Works Order Settings. Tick this option to complete orders and issue component stock at the same time.

Note – there must be sufficient free stock of all components to issue the quantity required for the quantity completed. If not, the completed quantity must be reduced or free stock must be increased for short components.

Max. Completion Qty : The maximum quantity that can currently be completed.  If not all the required component materials have been issued to the order the maximum quantity will reflect the most that can be made based on what has been issued.

  • If the Max Completion Qty is zero, this could indicate that one or more components has not been issued to the order.

Warehouse : The warehouse location where the built item will be added into stock.  This defaults from the warehouse set on the Works Order but it can be changed.

  • If the completed item is set to go into Quarantine, stock that passes inspection will be added into this warehouse.

Bin : The bin location where the built item will be added into stock.  This defaults from the bin set on the Works Order but can be changed.

  • If the completed item is set to go into Quarantine, stock that passes inspection will be added into this bin.

Complete : This option is only available if Allow completion at any time is enabled in Cim200 Works Order Settings.  If the option is ticked as the completion is entered, the status of the order is set to Completed even if there is an outstanding quantity to complete. Once the status of an order is set to Completed no more completions can be entered against it.

  • To complete a works order which has still an outstanding quantity – for example, the works order is for 100 but only 92 will be built – enter the completed quantity for the individual works order and select the Completion check box on the order line.
  • If there is an Outstanding Quantity on the order, and this option is not ticked, the order status will be set to Part Completed, allowing further completions until the required quantity has been fully completed.

Quarantine : Ticking this option on completion will place completed quantity into Quarantine, awaiting inspection.  It will not go to the specified warehouse and bin until it has been inspected and passed.

  • If the built item is enabled for Quarantine and for WO Completion in the Details tab of Stock Item Details, this option will default as ticked.

To Complete Qty : Enter the quantity to complete.  The quantity cannot exceed the Outstanding Qty unless the Allow User to Over-Complete option is enabled in Works Order Settings.

Record Works Order Completions

Open: Works Orders > Works Order List.

  • Select the works order(s) you want to record completed built item stock for.
  • Select the Complete button above the list view.

Or from the menu:

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Processing > Complete Works Orders

  • Click in the white grid pane, then select the required works order from the drop-down list.
  • Set the Date Completed. This defaults to the system date.
  • Review the details and set the required To Complete Qty on each completion line.
  • To add more orders, click in the white grid pane below the lines already entered.
  • Click Complete to save the completed quantities.
  • If any built items are traceable you are prompted to complete their traceable details for the quantities that are being completed into stock.

Base Item Completions

To enable Base Item Completions in Cim200 and view the list of possible completion outputs, follow these steps:

Open Cim200 and navigate to Stock Control > Utilities > System Set Up > Cim200 Settings.

  • In the Cim200 Settings window, go to the Bill of Materials tab.
  • Enable Base Items by checking the corresponding option or checkbox.
  • Select the Bill of Materials record that you want to designate as a Base Item.
  • Below the Works Orders section, you will see a sub grid displaying the list of possible completion outputs.
  • Input the completion quantity for the Base Item in the designated field on the Base Item Grid.
  • The Works Order To Complete Qty will automatically calculate the Works Order completion quantity based on the quantity defined on the completion output item’s Bill of Materials record.
  • A Bill of Materials (BOM) build will be performed in the background to issue any other items listed in the Stock Item’s Bill of Materials.
  • After completing the Works Order, you will need to select any traceable numbers associated with the completion.

These steps allow you to utilise Base Item Completions in Cim200, which simplifies the process of managing completion outputs and automates the calculations related to Works Order completion quantities.

Complete Regardless of Quantity

For any orders where the To Complete Qty is less than the Outstanding Quantity, and the Complete box is ticked on the line, the order status will be set to Complete and unused components can be returned.

  • Click Yes to return unused components. By default, the quantity of each component to return will be the difference between the quantity issued and the quantity which is required for the quantity completed. You do have the opportunity to adjust the quantities to be returned to stock.


  • Click No to prevent any adjustments to stock.
  • This will prompt you to confirm that you want to return unused components to stock and when you confirm this, the outstanding quantity of 8 is returned into stock. The order will be marked as Complete and can then be closed in the usual manner to ensure the nominal adjustments are posted correctly.


  •  To complete an order with a quantity still outstanding, and without completing any further quantities, complete the order and tick the Complete box, but leave the To Complete Qty as zero.

Note: The quantity you complete must be valid for the stocked item. If not, it is automatically adjusted to the nearest appropriate value.

Component Association

If any orders have Component Association set to Yes, after clicking Complete, the Confirm Component Association screen appears. Use this screen to associate the specific component traceable numbers to each built item traceable number.

  • In the Traceable Assemblies and Components section, expand the built item and each traceable number, then highlight each traceable component.
  • Select the appropriate component traceable number(s) to associate with the built traceable number, so that the quantity of selected numbers matches the quantity required.
  • When all component associations have been completed, the OK button is available to confirm the associations and proceed.

Printing completion labels

If the completed item is set to print labels in Stock Item Details and a label layout has been defined in Works Order settings, labels will be automatically produced.

Allocate to Sales Orders or Parent Works Orders

If the completed works order has links to either sales orders or parent works orders and the Allocate Sales Orders on Completion option is enabled in Works Order Settings, the Allocation to Sales Order screen will be opened.

The Order Type Allocations area lists the linked sales or parent works orders for the completed item.


Type : The order type, either sales order (SO) or works order (WO).

Order No : The sales or parent works order number.

Order Date : The sales or parent works order date.

Date Promised : The sales order line promised date or parent works order due date.

Prty : The sales order priority.

Code : The sales order customer account reference.

Item Code : The item code to allocate.

Warehouse : The sales order or parent works order demand warehouse.

Qty Required : Quantity required on the sales order or parent works order.

Qty To Allocate : Quantity to allocate to the sales order or parent works order.


  • Tick Show order line details to show further details about the selected order line.
  • The Quantity completed shows the quantity being completed on the works order.
  • Complete the Qty To Allocate on each sales order or parent works order line to be allocated. The total to allocate cannot exceed the quantity being completed on the works order.

Outcomes from recording completion

  • The completed quantity of the built item is added into stock at the specified location or, if the Quarantine option is ticked during completion, is added into the Quarantine location to await inspection.
  • The built item’s stock history is updated with the quantity of stock completed and the cost to complete the works order.

Note: The quantity used for costing purposes is always the original works order quantity. This is so that large batches of daily counts can be entered without affecting the overall unit cost.

  • The completed quantity of stock will have an unconfirmed cost until the Works Order is Closed.

Note: Closing the Works Order will update the stock to a confirmed cost and update the cost to the calculated unit cost from the Works Order.

  • The Works Order Quantity Completed is increased and Quantity Outstanding is decreased.
  • The Works Order status is updated to Completed if there is no outstanding quantity to complete or if the Complete (Complete Regardless of Quantity) box was ticked on completion; otherwise, the status is updated to Part Completed.
  • If Backflush was selected, components are automatically issued according to the quantity completed.

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