
Home > Knowledgebase > Cim200 > Works Orders > Processing > Issue Stock by Stock Item > Selecting Batch/Serial Numbers to Issue

Selecting Batch/Serial Numbers to Issue

Open: Works Orders > Works Order List

  • Select the works order you want to issue components to.
  • Select the Issue Stock by Stock Item button above the list view.

From the menu:

Open: Works Orders > Processing > Issue Stock by Stock Item

  • Select the Component Stock Code from the drop-down list.

Manually Issuing Traceable Numbers

In Works Order Settings, not ticking Auto Pick Traceable Quantities on Issue will mean the traceable numbers will not be selected automatically as the issue is made; they must be selected manually using this screen.

1. For each Works Order, to issue this component, just enter the quantity to issue into the Issue Now column.

Serial Numbers

2. For a serialised component, the Serial Details for Item… window appears.

3. Tick the box for each traceable number to be issued, up to the Total Quantity to be issued. Serial numbers allocated elsewhere will be included but cannot be selected.

4. If the serial number is allocated to this order, it will be indicated with a quantity in the Allocated column, but other serial numbers can be selected for issue.

5. Click OK to confirm the selection.

6. Before saving the transaction, the traceable numbers can be changed by selecting the component line and clicking the Select Batches button.

Batch Numbers

7. For a batched component, the Batch Details for Item… window appears.

8. Tick the box and enter the Quantity to issue on each line, up to the Total Quantity to be issued. The quantity to issue for each batch number cannot exceed the Qty Available.

If the batch number is allocated to this order, it will be indicated with a quantity in the Allocated This column, but other batch numbers can be selected for issue.

Note: The quantity must be valid for the stocked unit of the item. If not, it is automatically adjusted to the nearest appropriate value.

9. Click OK to confirm the selection.

10. Before saving the transaction, the traceable numbers can be changed by selecting the component line and clicking the Select Batches button.

Automatically Issuing Traceable Numbers

If, in Works Order Settings, Auto Pick Traceable Quantities on Issue is selected, traceable numbers are selected automatically.

1. For each Works Order, to issue this component, just enter the quantity to issue into the Issue Now column.

2. Traceable numbers are selected automatically but, before saving the transaction, the traceable numbers can be changed by selecting the component line and clicking the Select Batches or Select Serial Numbers button.

3. Click OK to save the issue.

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