
Select Supplier

When raising subcontract Purchase Orders, the supplier account is defaulted from the Works Order operation but can be changed to any other active supplier before being actioned.



To select the Supplier when raising subcontract Purchase Orders

Open: Works Orders > Subcontracting List

  • In the Subcontracting List, select the operation(s) you want to order from the subcontractor.
  • Select the Raise Purchase Orders button above the list view.

From the menu:

Open: Works Orders > Subcontracting > Raise Purchase Orders


1. The Suggested Orders area lists operation lines eligible for order.

2. Select a line that you want to raise a Purchase Order for.

3. The Supplier column displays the account reference of the supplier to order from. The account will default to the preferred supplier set on the subcontract operation, but it can be changed either to an alternate supplier setup on the operation, or any supplier account.

4. Click on the Supplier account code to select a different supplier.

5. The Operation Suppliers list displays all suppliers setup against the operation. The Pref column indicates the preferred supplier for this operation.

6. Tick the All Suppliers option to list all active suppliers setup in the Purchase Ledger.

7. Select a supplier account and click Select to set the supplier for this order.

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